
Archon Protocol consists of two, closely interwoven and complementary components: Archon Chain and Archon DAO & Analytics.

The latter allows research groups to create and govern their own decentralized organizations (DAOs) and equips qualified parties with a toolset to scrutinize DAO performance and track research activity, while Archon Chain provides key infrastructure necessary to facilitate secure data storage and access.


DAO & Analytics component of Archon is currently in closed Beta

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Archon chain

Archon Chain is a decentralized storage ecosystem with its own token economy, designed to map out and parse complex scientific models and data sets.

The chain is built around the Proof of Private Segment Storage algorithm, and its underlying concept is based on the foundation of a central bedrock principle - that of continuity of storage.

To that end, Archon utilizes an extensive, regenerative network of validator nodes, where independent and persistent points of storage are expected to preserve shared bits of knowledge in perpetuity - process enforced through built-in incentive and disincentive mechanisms.


Archon aims to build a persistent framework wherein topic-focused and censorship-free scientific exploration is encouraged, properly recorded and rewarded, effectively ensuring that the essence of that knowledge remains available to future generations.

The Social element

Archon takes cues from existing social media models, building a Web3 space that spurs and stimulates meaningful interactions between participating parties.

In such an environment, researchers are not only free to pursue uncensored scientific inquiry, secure funding, and get rewarded for their efforts based on the merit of their contributions, but can also cultivate their own spheres of influence - build up their reputations and establish networks of connections between themselves, other professionals and with communities.

Research Objects

Biolinks are Archon-native, interactive research objects that allow for creation of high-level data models for biological, chemical and biomedical concepts.

Biolinks enable rich visualization of dependencies between elements of research and translate these intricate relationships into true, approachable statements about reality.

All data presented in the form of Biolinks is stored on and accessed through Archon Chain.

Effect of intravenous adrenaline on electrocardiog

Adrenaline caused an increase in systolic blood pressure, a decrease in diastolic blood pressure, and an increase in heart rate. Adrenaline also produced a decrease in T wave amplitude and an increase in the QTc interval. Serum potassium fell dramatically during the adrenaline infusion from a control value of 4.06 mmol/l to 3.22 mmol/l.

341 characters 7 objects assigned to Biolink


economy of participation

Archon aims to resuscitate the spirit of scientific inquiry, and foster a community-driven environment where all research efforts remain to serve a purpose.

To that end, the protocol is trained to recognize active participation towards these goals, in- and outside the platform, as well as encourage experimentation and promote further involvement with NFT and token-based rewards.

of Research


Drafts and Proposals

  • Unpolished
  • Mostly discussion-based
  • Not reviewed/approved

First Major Release

  • Single review threshold
  • Version 1.0+

Subsequent Releases

  • Passed multiple reviews
  • Multiple collaborators
  • Version 2.0+

Publications on Archon take the form of on-chain knowledge shards, and visually translate the maturity of research.

Each iteration takes a more geometric and familiar shape.


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